Friday, April 8, 2011

Appendix B for Press Kit

As it was impractical to print out several pages of posters, and entirely impossible to print out movie trailers, we have decided to make Appendix B of our Press Kit available here, online.

Fig. 1-7: Movie Posters (Mystery Phase)

A Vague Photo of Bob Grayson/Marvel Boy

A Vague Photo of Derek Khanata

A Vague Photo of Ken Hale/Gorilla Man

A Vague Photo of Jimmy Woo

A Vague Photo of Namora

A Vague Photo of M-11/The Human Robot

A Vague Photo of Venus

Fig. 8-10: Comparable Posters (Mystery Phase)

A poster that reveals very little about the film but builds intregue.  

A poster that sets the tone for the film, but reveals very little else.

A poster that reveals the cast of the film, but does very little to elaborate on who the characters are.

 Fig. 11-12: Movie Trailers (Mystery Phase)

Fig. 13-15: Movie Posters (Character Introduction Phase)

A poster of the main character, in the main setting, with the actor revealed, and a slogan.

A poster that reveals all relevant characters and offers hints to the plot through its slogan.

A poster that reveals a large number of characters and the actors who will portray them.